Saturday, October 27, 2007

Fear of Oneself

I got off the bus, not suspecting a thing. Man, I'm so naïve. How could I not see it coming? Then again, if I HAD seen it coming, I would have stayed home, at all costs.
But I was blind to the truth, which was that Alicia Holmes doesn't mind if someone gets killed because of her. At least there out of her boyfriend's life.

Anyway, I got off the bus, completely innocent, turned the corner towards my school, and instantly found myself surrouded by six 17 year old boys. Darren Holmes and his gang. I turned and ran with a speed that only fear can create. They were on my tail in a second. I ran down an alley, then another, then turned a corner and found myself yet again surrounded. One guy - Carlos, I think his name is - Grabbed my arms and held them behind my back.
' My sister tells me you've been messing around with her boyfriend,' Darren Holmes said coldly, ' Can you confirm that, Carmen Sandiego?'
I rolled my eyes.
' Your sister is paranoid.' I spat, as much as a person can spit a word with 4 syllables, ' Me and Arthur are just friends, and anyway, I like someone else.'
I hadn't meant to admit that, but chances were I wasn't going to live to get to school.
' I totally believe you, ' he said, not even bothering with a sarcastic tone, ' Someone saw you locking lips with him two days ago, little slut.'
Slut? SLUT?!!! I AM NOT A SLUT!!!! In fact I am the complete opposite of a slut. I would punch the lights out of any boy who asked me what coulour knickers I was wearing.
And I have never, ever kissed Arthur. I have, however, kissed a metamorph disguised as him, which is bound to get me in just as much, if not more, trouble.

© Carmen Sandiego
© kLoE